Youth Advisory Squad (YAS)

YAS is a scholarship and empowerment program aimed at training a group of passionate youth to serve as youth ambassadors, advocates in their schools and communities, and advise OneChild on how we can better engage youth in our work.

From September to June, and mentored by our Youth Empowerment Coordinator, YAS members receive training in public speaking and action-planning; prepare and give presentations on child sex trafficking in their communities, and hold an awareness-raiser or fundraiser in their school. Upon completion of their term, each member receives a scholarship to pursue post-secondary studies.

Our goal is for each YAS member to become an expert on this issue and be able to educate their peers, and schools on the issue through prevention education and youth advocacy.


Applications for the NEXT cohort RE-OPEN IN JULY !

Applications for the 2024 -2025 Cohort are currently closed.

Here’s what YAS has to say about our program…

“In my time with YAS I also picked up new public speaking skills which I will use with me forever. The things I liked about the program are how safe and welcomed I felt. How each meeting we didn’t just jump into work but we actually got to know other YAS members. I liked how the work that we did with YAS was helpful and that our speeches gave other people knowledge on the topic. One person who watched my speech even told me that he learned a lot about child sex trafficking and how the speeches really helped. Going forward, even though my time with YAS is over I will still be a YAS alumni and will always vouch for the organization and encourage others to join. ”

“OneChild presented so many opportunities for YAS and always kept us so heavily involved which was so uplifting, made our passions grow further, and was overall beneficial to us personally as well as to OneChild by enabling it to stay up to date with current trends and to be as user friendly as possible in order to keep the youth involved as much as possible. Which is also what makes YAS so recommendable. You ALWAYS feel heard, you and your ideas are never belittled, you never feel like you’re in the dark, are always presented with various opportunities, and become so educated along the way”


“YAS really teaches valuable skills that nobody else is teaching youth. It tells youth that they can be the solution, they can be the answer, and that they have a role in the fight against this issue. “

Contact Us

8865 Woodbine Avenue
Unit D3, Suite 124,
Markham, ON
L3R 5G1 Canada

OneChild Network & Support Inc. is a registered Canadian charity: No. 831160544RR0001

General Inquiries:
Youth Inquiries:


General Inquiries:
Youth Inquiries:
